Sunday, January 6, 2013

chords for guitar

Learning guitar should definitely preceded by learning the chords first and then can continue to the next stage in accordance with the level of your guitar learning. Mengusai guitar and can play well is the condition that we can play a few songs from the easy to the difficult ones. Talk about the guitar is actually very easy and very - very easy when you know how to do it.

Theories about learning guitar is actually simple to understand, do, and sustainable, in the sense that we will be faster mengusai some guitar either keys or guitar melody if we do it continuously or continuously. Example: we will more quickly master the guitar if we make daily exercise schedule at least 30 minutes but the routine will be better than the day you play 8 hours but did not play the next day.

Okay back to the discussion about the guitar, you try to look at some examples below guitar chords and try to play alternately from one key to another key.

The picture above is a picture of some of the key - the basic key guitar which may be familiar to you, and I'm sure most of you are able to play it properly, but if the guitar is only limited to that alone? dalah answer is no. There are many developments chords you do not know and you have not mastered. As a key behind using - frills numbers like C7, C9, C5 and much more.

To memorize, understand and master some of the key developments of the basic key is not easy and it takes patience and foresight in learning. For example, we might have to play songs that make-key advance as the A7 and the like but do we understand why that song stretcher use key A7 how to make a song can be applied A7?.

Actually there is a trick and a tip so we can easily apply some of the key developments or key bridge. take a look at articles that discuss connecting chords, see also the movement of major chords and minor chords motion patterns.
Here I give an example image of the guitar that has been given - frills behind.

The picture above is only part of the many keys or guitar chords advance that has been developed to give in - frills on behind. You can learn and get some form of guitar like that with gitarpro all software versions and by looking at the picture - the picture on the website guitar chords that provide a complete picture.

So first from me, and another time I will share the theory of how to easily create keyword A7 and the other only with standard theory. So, just wait for the next update article here. Hopefully useful and greetings \ m /.


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